The smart, modern intranet to improve your internal communications

LumApps informs, aligns and engages all employees, regardless of device and location. Make sure key company messages and initiatives are received using LumApps’ branded and personalized experiences. Leverage internal communications to build a cohesive company culture and foster team collaboration.

Profile-driven rich communications create long-lasting engagement

Hybrid work and trends such as the Great Resignation have drastically complicated the way organizations interact with their employees, and the employer-employee relationship itself. Employee alignment and engagement is more important ever, putting tremendous pressure on internal communicators’ shoulders.

The solution is to put the employee at the center stage of your company, and to orchestrate internal communications and team interactions in a personalized and compelling way.  


Rethink your internal communications

  • Connect all employees to the company, including those on the front line
  • Align all employees on key company announcements and initiatives  
  • Engage all employees, regardless of their role or location
  • Break silos across the enterprise and promote knowledge sharing
  • Build a positive and cohesive culture to unify the workforce
  • Foster horizontal communication and team collaboration to promote engagement and knowledge sharing
Solution and Benefits

Empower communicators with the best tools to level-up internal communication

Easy-to-use content management system (CMS), with video management capabilities and templates, to create beautiful and impacting content

Targeted employee profile-based communications for fresh, relevant content, delivered in context via employees preferred channels

Social capabilities with Communities to drive knowledge sharing, transversal collaboration, internal networking, platform adoption, and employee engagement

Customizable pixel-perfect design capabilities create a Digital HQ in line with your brand identity, where employees feel they belong

AI-based recommendations to maximize content reach and employee alignment

Employee advocacy capabilities encourage engaged employees to become brand ambassadors

Multilingual communications with 30+ languages available and automated translation to engage and include all employees across the organization

Search across news, documents, videos, and Community posts to foster knowledge discovery and information retrieval

Detailed analytics dashboards inform content strategy decisions over time

Web and branded applications leverage single sign-on (SSO) with multiple sources (including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace ID, or LumApps ID) to quickly connect employees.

Measuring the reach and impact of content is essential to internal communications teams.

LumApps' powerful analytics dashboards makes it easy to measure content views, platform adoption, and employee engagement.

Riconoscimento da parte degli analisti

LumApps nominata Leader tra le soluzioni Intranet

Hai trovato la tua nuova intranet! LumApps è nominata Leader nelle soluzioni intranet sia da Forrester che dal Magic Quadrant di Gartner. La nostra soluzione si integra con Google Workspace e Microsoft Teams in modo che i tuoi dipendenti abbiano un'esperienza intranet che ti metta a tuo agio a tal punto che ti sembrerà di essere a casa.


Increase employee engagement with compelling use cases activated in a few clicks

Top-down communications

News and Video Center
Leadership Corner
Town Halls
Internal communication campaigns

Peer to peer communications

Communities of Practice
Communities of Interest
Employee Directory

HR communications

Employee Onboarding Portal
Employee Journeys
Diversity and Inclusion Portal

Local/Regional communications

Local Communities
Facilities Directory
Employee Dashboard
Social Advocacy

Build campaigns that prioritize your employees

Ensure no one is left out, and your communications are received! Align the workforce with targeted messaging and timed delivery. Each employee takes center stage:
Top-down communications
Think strategically
Multichannel broadcast
Discover LumApps Campaigns

Learning resources for top enterprises

See all resources
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The modern employee intranet to improve your internal communications