Chi siamo

LumApps è una piattaforma SaaS dedicata all'esperienza dei dipendenti che è stata fondata nel 2015 a Lione. I suoi fondatori hanno portato la propria esperienza come leader nella tecnologia cloud per sviluppare e offrire soluzioni sociali e mobili per i dipendenti di aziende in tutto il mondo.

Our Mission

LumApps teams across the world all share the same objective. We help employees to meaningfully connect with their company, to feel a sense of “place,” of purpose, of belonging in this digital world.

We are your digital HQ – the one place where employees gather to be informed and inspired, to collaborate and share knowledge, to do great work, and even find purpose or discover the next big idea to fuel your business.

To achieve this, LumApps teams think customer-centric:

  • We put user needs first and incorporate customer feedback
  • We practice what we preach, by synergizing and promoting internal innovation
  • By finding new ways of working internally, we’re able to create solutions we’re passionate about, that others will love too.

Because ultimately, our mission is to make people feel that they belong and have a purpose.

Sébastien Ricard, LumApps CEO →

Su di noi

I nostri valori

Fin dalla sua fondazione a Tassin-La-Demi-Lune, una piccola cittadina a ovest di Lione, LumApps non ha fatto altro che evolvere e crescere, non solo in Europa, ma in tutto il mondo, sapendo offrire un prodotto sempre pronto ad adattarsi alle sfide e ai bisogni di ciascusa azienda, ma soprattutto dei dipendenti, che costituiscono la priorità del nostro lavoro e impegno quotidiano.

Quanti siamo

L'azienda conta oggi più di 350 dipendenti di cui il 45% lavora nel dipartimento R&D con l'obiettivo di apportare innovazioni continue alla nostra piattaforma, utilizzata quotidianamente da 5.5 milioni di utenti.

La nostra missione

Aiutiamo i dipendenti a trovare il loro posto all'interno dell'azienda, consentendo loro di dare un senso al proprio lavoro e sentirsi valorizzati in un ambiente digitale.Come vero quartier generale digitale, LumApps permette ai dipendenti di informarsi in tempo reale, trovare ispirazione, collaborare e condividere conoscenze, per creare il miglior ambiente di lavoro possibile.4o

La nostra solidità finanziaria

Dopo aver conseguito un profitto da 100 milioni di dollari in serie A, B e C, ora LumApps ha raggiunto un nuovo traguardo: il recente investimento da 650 milioni di dollari da parte di Bridgepoint ci permetterà di crescere e offrire un prodotto sempre più all'avanguardia ai nostri clienti.

Riconoscimento da parte degli analisti

LumApps nominata Leader tra le soluzioni Intranet

Hai trovato la tua nuova intranet! LumApps è nominata Leader nelle soluzioni intranet sia da Forrester che dal Magic Quadrant di Gartner. La nostra soluzione si integra con Google Workspace e Microsoft Teams in modo che i tuoi dipendenti abbiano un'esperienza intranet che ti metta a tuo agio a tal punto che ti sembrerà di essere a casa.

Our History

LumApps is a SaaS platform dedicated to employee experience founded in 2015, based in Austin, Paris, Lille, London, Tokyo, and headquartered in Lyon. LumApps founders have brought their experience as leaders in cloud technology to develop and offer social and mobile solutions for organizations.

LumApps engages, enables, and empowers employees through a unique communication, giving employees instant access to information and knowledge.

Our platform connects employees to information and business applications in order to promote efficiency, and employee engagement. It provides a unique experience to every employee, wherever they are.


LumApps founders leveraged their experience as cloud specialists to start a SaaS company   intranet to help companies transition to G Suite. The startup then counted  a dozen employees based in Lyon’s suburb, Tassin-la-Demi-Lune


LumApps builds its first new generation intranet for a large enterprise customer with an Internal communication SaaS platform based on the initial needs of our historic customer, Veolia.


LumApps is now a growing startup of around 50 employees and opens a second office in Paris and sends a few intrepid LumApps travelers to the United States to start laying the foundations of the bigger projects.

LumApps intranet is recommended by Google.

LumApps has 25% of the Top 100 French Apps Customers.


LumApps receives the Google Cloud Partner Innovation Award from Google.

LumApps raises $8M in a Series A round to grow its teams and open new geographic markets.

The startup expands and opens new offices in London, New York, San Francisco, Austin and Tokyo.


LumApps raises $24M in a Series B round.

Airbus becomes one of LumApps’ biggest customers.

The company doubled in size with over 100 employees worldwide!


After three years in hypergrowth,LumApps signs more big deals, including a top American bank, Motorola Solutions and Japan Airlines.

LumApps becomes a Microsoft Partner.


LumApps raises $70M in funding round led by Goldman Sachs, leading to a total of $100M to date. Thanks to this investor support, our startup has now tripled in size with over 250 employees!

January 2020 saw our first ever global seminar in Marrakesh, Morocco, uniting over 200 employees from all global offices – a truly impressive event that shows just how far we’ve come!

LumApps is nominated for the first time among the French Tech Next40 best-in-class promotion, in recognition of its economic results and the technology offered by LumApps

2021 - 2022

LumApps completed its first acquisition in June 2021, launching a Video management solution, LumApps Play

LumApps acquires in May 2022 an HR automation solution to further develop the Employee Experience with orchestrated Journeys

LumApps is named Next40 by the French Tech for the second year in a row, representing the rising star startups and scale ups of the French tech ecosystem

In December 2022, LumApps acquired the French startup Vizir, an innovative no-code digital assistant solution (or "predictive chatbots") to automate non-business tasks and facilitate employees' access to knowledge, resources and third-party applications at a lower cost, from their LumApps platform.


In February 2023, LumApps was nominated for the third consecutive year by the French Tech, ranking this year among the Next120.

LumApps acquired Teach on Mars, a pioneer in mobile-first microlearning solutions, to offer mobile-first learning and employee training in its platform.

LumApps was named a Leader in the first-ever Gartner Magic Quadrant for Intranet Packaged Solutions.


Bridgepoint Europe VII (“BE VII”), the leading mid-market fund, makes a strategic investment as primary investor in the future of LumApps, in a deal valued at $650m.

LumApps was named a Leader in the Forrester Wave: Intranet Platforms, Q2 2024.

LumApps Management Team

Sébastien Ricard


Elie Mélois


Philippe Gless


 Thomas Soulez

SVP Product & Strategy

Maxime Brandolin

Chief of Staff

Vincent Ortiou


Elizabeth Coleon

SVP, Marketing

Sean Winter

GM, North America

Josué Moëns

SVP, NAM Customer Experience

Noam Ktalav

SVP, EMEA Mid-Market Sales

Vincent Roullet

SVP, EMEA Customer Experience

Florian Simon

SVP, General Secretary

Justin Hein

SVP, Sales, North America

Il top management di LumApps

Sébastien Ricard


Elie Mélois


Efrat Ravid

Quantum Metric

Jimmy Anidjar

JHA Consulting

Christian Resch

Goldman Sachs

Benoist Grossmann


Arnaud Helle

BPI France

Alban Wyniecki

InfraVia Capital Partners

Etienne Droit

Product Advisor
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