Elevate employee engagement

LumApps creates an engaging digital work environment where employees feel recognized, trusted, and motivated to do their best at work, from day one.


Why employee engagement matters

Employees want their work to be aligned with the company vision and strategy, but achieving that goal is a challenge.

Engaging work environments offer tremendous benefits for the company and employees.

Highly engaged employees are more creative, efficient, and productive. They have longer tenures, share new and innovative ideas, and positively impact their organization.  

Business challenges

Promote employee engagement in a changing workplace

  • Ensure all employees have the opportunity to participate in company initiatives
  • Align employees on the company’s vision and strategy - regardless of language, location, or device
  • Encourage team collaboration and promote individual initiatives to showcase positive company culture
  • Deliver a personalized employee experience that puts each employee at the center stage of your company
  • Promote a culture of recognition where each employee’s work is highlighted
Solution and Benefits

LumApps is the perfect solution to support an engaging digital work environment

Keep employees informed with targeted communications - the right information, the right people, at the right time, on the appropriate channels

Multilingual communications (30+ languages), and automated translation aligns global organizations

Employee advocacy capabilities allow engaged employees to use their voice to become brand ambassadors and promote company news across their social networks

Easy-to-use social features and videos encourage employees to post, like, comment, and share in communities, generating conversation and participation

Customizable pixel-perfect design capabilities and branded mobile app create a Digital HQ in line with your corporate culture, where employees feel they belong

Employee engagement analytics track how employees interact with the platform and identify most engaging contents

Intuitive tools automate the delivery of key information and tasks to employees, across devices and applications, and guides the workforce through key milestones in their employee lifecycle

Use Cases

Improve employee engagement with compelling use cases activated in a few clicks

Company Alignment

  • Leadership Corner
  • News and Video Centers
  • Town Halls
  • Newsletters and Campaigns

Employee Recognition and Sharing

  • Recognition Center
  • DEI Community
  • Communities of Interest
  • Communities of Practice

Employee Assistance

  • HR Portal
  • Employee Journeys
  • Local Communities and Facilities Directory
  • Facilities Directory
Riconoscimento da parte degli analisti

LumApps nominata Leader tra le soluzioni Intranet

Hai trovato la tua nuova intranet! LumApps è nominata Leader nelle soluzioni intranet sia da Forrester che dal Magic Quadrant di Gartner. La nostra soluzione si integra con Google Workspace e Microsoft Teams in modo che i tuoi dipendenti abbiano un'esperienza intranet che ti metta a tuo agio a tal punto che ti sembrerà di essere a casa.

Learning resources for top enterprises

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Engage and retain your workforce with LumApps Employee Experience Platform