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February 26, 2024

The Future of Employee Communications: AI-Powered Solutions and Trends

Blair Williamson
4 minute read

Internal comms pros are right at the forefront of navigating workplace changes. Companies are all about building connected teams and fostering belonging, where AI plays a key role. With tech advancing fast, how employees engage with digital content is changing big time.

Here are the 3 trends in how we're seeing internal comms pros utilize AI to improve efficiency:

1. Personalization: Tailoring Content to Individual Employees

In an age where one-size-fits-all is no longer tenable, hyper-personalization is where your company will stand out—and it's what will get your employees' attention.
AI empowers communicators to deliver messages that resonate on a personal level, transcending the traditional means of internal comms like standard emails or old-school bulletin boards.

With AI, communication platforms like LumApps can now discern a diversity of individual preferences across a vast workforce, ensuring the right message finds its way to each employee.

example of personalized content recommendations with LumApps AI

Insight-Driven Content Curation: At the heart of personalization in LumApps is the powerful analytic capability that curates content based on individual user behavior and preferences. This mechanism ensures that employees are not just another faceless recipient in the corporate communication strategy, but rather each one is recognized and prioritized as a unique entity.

A modern intranet will include smart AI-based algorithms that constantly refine the delivery of content. Whether it's company news, policy updates, personalized learning resources, or which community group to join, each piece of information aligns seamlessly with the interests and needs of the individual employee.

example of personalized content with LumApps AI

For example, LumApps intranet can pull these content recommendations to the employee's personal feed so they can discover new content and even set up their own content notifications.

Personalized content means that employees don't have to adapt to new ways of communication; instead, the platform adapts to them. By understanding the employee's interaction with various content types, time spent on particular topics, and the frequency of engagement, platforms like LumApps can craft a communication experience that is effortlessly personalized and effective.

LumApps is a Leader in Intranet Packaged Solutions

Download the analyst report to learn why LumApps is named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions

Content the way employees want to consume it:

For on-the-go employees or those who are deskless, it's critical to make your content short and easy to consume. But that doesn't always happen if you have longer, more important updates. 

So what do you do?

LumApps has built in the ability to quickly summarize an article. Now, with the click of a button, employees can get the TL;DR version of an article and get back to work quickly.
With the power of AI, you can convert articles, reports, and company updates into rich audio experiences for employees with visual impairment or for any employee to enjoy on the go. For instance, LumApps has a built-in functionality for employees to turn any post into an audio update.

AI's prowess at turning text into natural-sounding speech is a game changer for how employees receive updates. Whether it's during the commute, a workout, or lunch break, company news is only a listen away.

Never before has consuming information been so convenient and accessible.

2. Chatbots and AI-Powered Assistants

Chatbots and AI-powered assistants are swiftly transforming the way businesses interact with their employees. As an innovative force, chatbots are crucial in the workplace due to their ability to streamline communication, augment human capabilities, and provide instant support around the clock. Simply put, chatbots are helping employees self-serve requests like HR queries and IT tickets. Not only does the requestor save time, but the HR and IT team get time back that they would typically spend answering constant peppering of questions.

Easing Administrative Burdens with Immediate Response

Gone are the days when employees would wait hours—or even days—for responses to critical queries. With the implementation of AI-driven chatbots, the immediacy of assistance is groundbreaking. Whether it's answering benefits-related questions, guiding through IT troubleshooting, or offering HR policy clarifications, employees are met with immediate, 24/7 support. This constant availability not only fosters operational efficiency but also ensures a more satisfied and productive workforce.

With its friendly chat interface, LumApps' digital assistant smoothly fits into your daily routine, offering a super modern support solution vibe. As per LumApps, their assistant handles a whole range of IT, HR, or campus-related requests in a flash, blending artificial intelligence seamlessly with human-centered design.

When AI assistants offload mundane tasks, employees are freed up to focus on more strategic initiatives that require a meaningful human touch, thus elevating the entire organization's productivity.

Empowering Business Intelligence
Beyond just answering queries, chatbots gather invaluable data on employee interactions, preferences, and pain points. This information becomes the foundation for business intelligence insights that drive better decision-making and help identify areas for improvement in employee engagement and internal communications strategy.

LumApps is a Leader in Intranet Packaged Solutions

Download the analyst report to learn why LumApps is named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Intranet Packaged Solutions

3. Faster, More Effective Search

In the relentless pursuit of efficiency and specificity, LumApps is harnessing the power of AI to redefine search functionality. Envision a search engine so astute that it anticipates your needs, offering results that are personalized and relevant with staggering precision.

You can now use natural language to search for something on the intranet and the AI feature will find the information and summarize the answer.

Utilizing AI, LumApps optimizes search results through contextual understanding and natural language processing. For instance, when employees search for "expense report policies", the system discerns whether they're seeking guidelines, a specific expense form, or past submitted reports. It then tailors the results to align with the user's implied intent—an undeniable asset in a fast-paced corporate environment.

example of knowledge discovery and next action recommendations with LumApps AI

If an action needs to be done, LumApps can even recommend the next-best action the user should take, like linking to the micro-app where the action can be completed without the need to login to an additional business app.

Moreover, LumApps’ AI deepens its utility by learning from user interactions. As employees engage with the search function, the AI recognizes patterns in behavior, refining its algorithm continually. This adaptive learning capability ensures that over time, search results become even more aligned with individual user preferences.

With LumApps AI-Powered Intranet, The Future (of Work) Is Now

The landscape of employee communications is shifting, and AI is one of the critical capabilities for success. As we look to the future, the synergies between AI and employee engagement will undoubtedly produce more collaborative, connected, and creative workplaces.

By adding these features directly into the intranet, LumApps is clearly making innovative strides in corporate communication.

We truly believe LumApps will be the ultimate employee experience gateway. By integrating various tools and info directly within LumApps, such as AI-based efficiency tools, we aim for a seamless platform. LumApps will serve as the single source of truth for all employees, facilitating collaboration, learning, growth, and seamless communication. 

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The Future of Employee Communications: AI-Powered Solutions and Trends