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27/4/2022 6:00
On-Demand Webinar

IntraNET Reloaded Boston From Home


Due to the spread of the coronavirus and lockdown in multiple countries, the famous IntraNET Reloaded Berlin had to be postponed. But we are still on your side during this difficult period, with an online conference !

Intra.NET Reloaded Berlin From Home is a 2-day digital event filled with insightful case-and solution studies from the leading industry experts, intranet influencers and top solution providers.

It allows you to stay in touch with the recent developments and practical tips from the pros – all in the comfort of your own home.

The Coronavirus is re-shaping the way many organizations work – closing offices, pausing travel, and working from home. All of this leaves us in a very challenging position – personally and professionally – which most organizations and individuals have never faced in their lives. Watch the replay to join our Digital Workplace expert and listen how to support your remote workers during crisis time.

Have also a look to the full agenda of this very special online conference!

Register now!

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IntraNET Reloaded Boston From Home