December 23, 2024

22+ Best Digital Employee Experience Tools for Companies in 2023

Milton Herman
20 minute read

Businesses everywhere know they need to change their traditional approach to employees if they want to attract and retain top talent. Would employee experience apps help? We consider the benefits of an employee experience platform and list the best employee experience tools. 

What is an Employee Experience Platform? 

An employee experience platform is a private network (only accessible to company employees). It allows users to communicate easily, no matter where they happen to be located. The employee experience platform makes collaborating with team members and supporting employees an easy and convenient process. 

Cloud-based employee experience platforms are now commonly used by businesses worldwide. Company employees accesses the platform online through cloud storage hosted on a vendor’s server instead of in-house. The company pays a subscription fee for accessing the platform and the vendor company is responsible for updates and maintaining the servers.  

Benefits of an Employee Experience Platform

An employee experience platform brings multiple benefits to a company, including the following:

  • Cloud-based platform grows and changes with the company’s needs
  • Brings the focus on employees by bringing them to the forefront and recognizing positive behaviors within your organization
  • Connects employees to industry news and events
  • Improves relationship with corporate leaders by increasing visibility and trust within the company
  • Reduces the number of incidents, accidents, errors, and non-compliance through a centralized filing system for company policies, procedures, training materials, safety manuals, etc.
  • Boosts productivity through faster access to digital tools and information
  • Digitizes employee workflow and processes to improve overall efficiency and reduce administrative costs
  • Manage and coordinate employees working in multiple locations and departments
  • Dismantles information silos in favor of a system that doesn’t “hoard” important data and facts instead of sharing it with other groups and employees. 


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Best Digital Employee Experience Tools for Companies

We have listed what we think are the best employee experience tools for companies. What do you think of the list? Do you think they would help to build a good employee experience?

1. Mobile App

A mobile app is a crucial part of an employee experience platform. Company employees want the freedom to work from the office and from home; businesses that want to retain top talent give their employees flexibility in their work schedule. 

The mobile app also allows employees from different locations and time zones to work together seamlessly on projects, in sales and customer service, and more. The mobile app connects employees, no matter where they are or their job title.  

2. Internal Newsletters

A company newsletter used to be distributed in paper form. Today, this form of communication is available in a digital format. Everyone in the company can stay informed about industry news as well as what is going on within the business. 

The newsletter can include anything the contributors wish to post, such as employee profiles, the CEO’s corner (where the top executive shares their thoughts about important topics), inspirational quotes, etc. It can also be used to bring attention to a work team’s accomplishments. 

3. Videos

It is true that a picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words. Videos have the potential to capture a viewer’s attention and get a message across more easily than a large block of text in some instances. 

Internet users want to understand the messages that a company is trying to convey. Videos can make news from the company CEO seem more personal than reading an email, and they definitely make training courses more interesting for employees. 

4. Employee Surveys

Employee surveys are used to take the pulse of how the employees in an organization are feeling at any given time. When used properly, they give management a clear indication of which policies are working well and the ones employees would like to see changed. 

Ideally, employee surveys are conducted regularly and on an anonymous basis. Employees should feel free to share how they honestly feel about their jobs and the company. Management can draw up action plans based on the employee feedback received from the employees and make changes where feasible to improve working conditions and the overall employee experience. 

Read moreTop 30 Questions To Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey

5. Collaboration Tool

LumApps’ collaboration tool integrates with Google Workspace. Employees can access programs they are already familiar with, such as Google Agenda, Meet, Gmail, Drive, and more, directly from the employee experience platform. 

LumApps’ collaboration tool also integrates with Microsoft 365 to give team members a first-class experience when they log into the employee experience platform. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel and retrain employees on new software when they can work with programs they already know (Excel, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, Outlook, Word, etc.). 


LumApps Intranet Recognition Center


6. Employee Recognition Center

Recognizing employees for their positive contributions is crucial for keeping them engaged in their work. The Employee Recognition Center is the place to post employee milestones and accomplishments for everyone to see and appreciate. 

Use it to welcome new hires to the company and acknowledge birthdays and work anniversaries for employees. The Employee Recognition Center is also a good place to post peer-to-peer recognition from communities within the company. This feature allows your employees to recognize excellence.  

7. Dedicated Community Channels

Communities of practice allow employees with expertise in similar areas to share their knowledge and collaborate with each other. Since the community is virtual, it is not limited to experts in a specific geographic location. Instead, anyone with the same interest or expertise can participate and contribute. 

Employees can collaborate with other employees to learn from experts through asking questions and sharing their own experiences. The expert members of the community channels are available to provide feedback and support to others. 

Attract, Engage and Retain: The Employee Experience Advantage

In addition to ROI, employee experience measures help companies succeed at retention and recruiting.

8. Instant Messaging Tool

There are times when employees need to reach each other. E-mail is too slow and the recipient may not see a co-worker’s message among the myriad of messages they need to review daily. 

LumApps’ employee experience platform integrates with Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 to make instant messaging quick and convenient. Team members can send and receive messages to people within the office and to remote locations to ask about the progress of a project, set up virtual meetings, and ask for and receive help when needed. 

9. Onboarding Center

The first few days and weeks with a company really set the tone for whether a new hire will feel engaged with their coworkers and comfortable within the organization. A positive onboarding experience is critical to attracting and retaining top talent to a business

The LumApps Onboarding Center allows a company to assemble the information that new employees need to access in one location in the employee experience platform. This feature makes it easy for them to find everything they need to navigate the onboarding process in an efficient manner and turn it into a success platform. 


Use Case - Brand Portal - Lumapps Intranet


10. Branded Tool (Personalized Design)

Each employee who logs into LumApps’ employee experience platform gets a personalized experience. The engine delivers relevant information to the employee geared specifically to that person’s desktop computer or handheld device. 

The messages are available in multiple languages to reflect the employee’s location and personal preferences. Employees can collaborate and access knowledge documents from the company database with ease in a supportive work environment. 

11. Employee Data Layer

The employee data layer takes information from multiple channels, applications, and devices and turns it into a holistic profile of each employee. This detailed employee profile allows the company to create personalized home pages for each team member. Using AI, the employee data layer creates the foundation to deliver personalized communication along each step in the employee journey

With time, the system learns about each person’s interests and preferences. These preferences include what types of content they like, what they read, and which employees they interact with most often. As the system collects more data, it can provide smarter predictions about future events. 

12. Employee Communications

Employers know that employee engagement is critical in today’s company culture. When employees feel engaged in their work, they will put forth their best effort for the company. It’s definitely possible for employers to assist employees engaged in hybrid and remote work in developing positive collaborative relationships with their teammates. 

Internal communications are at the core of employee engagement. Team members can learn to interact with each other in a way that encourages sharing knowledge and information, as opposed to keeping it in silos.  


Slack Integration inside a Community - LumApps


13. Community and Culture

Encourage employees to feel as though they are part of the company culture by using engaging blog posts. Invite everyone to share their thoughts in the comments. 

All workers should be encouraged to share their thoughts and expertise with their fellow employees. Employees can write blog posts to share with their colleagues and management, no matter where they are located globally. The work environment should be a safe place and one that encourages discussion among all employees.  

14. Leadership Corner

At one time, company leaders rarely spoke to employees. When they did, the message would likely come down from the executive offices in a memo. This form of communication was quite cold and impersonal. Employees never felt that they really got to know the person who was at the company helm at all. 

The Leadership Corner puts all of those old-fashioned ideas about the company CEO to rest. It’s an opportunity for the company’s leader to share their ideas with employees in blog posts or something much less formal than a company memo. Employees look to their leaders to be transparent; this policy fosters trust in management.

Attract, Engage and Retain: The Employee Experience Advantage

In addition to ROI, employee experience measures help companies succeed at retention and recruiting.

15. Virtual Town Halls

A virtual town hall is an opportunity for managers and employees to discuss ideas and issues that affect the entire company. It’s an activity where everyone should feel that their ideas are welcome. 

The idea of the virtual town hall is to share ideas and brainstorm with a view to finding possible solutions. Management doesn’t know what employees are thinking if employees aren’t open with managers. The virtual town hall gives everyone a platform to “speak” and managers get real-time feedback and actionable insights.

16. Employee Journeys

The employee journey starts once a candidate turns into a new hire and continues over the long term. The employee experience platform can send personalized messages to employees at specific points during the employee lifecycle. 

Employees appreciate being recognized for their efforts by their employer. A simple message indicates a personal touch in the midst of a team member’s busy day. It may even help make the employee more committed to the employer.

17. Knowledge Management

The amount of knowledge that employees receive in the workplace continues to increase. It’s crucial that everyone manage their knowledge so that they are accessing the latest and most current versions of company forms, contracts, and other documents. Employees also need to ensure that they have access to the latest compliance requirements. 

A designated virtual knowledge sharing area on the platform means that employees don’t have to spend time looking in multiple areas for the information they need. Team members can share their expertise by uploading documents to the knowledge management area so that other employees can benefit. 

18. Hybrid Employee Connections

The hybrid work model is likely here to stay. Many employees like the flexibility of working from home one or more days per week and going into the company facility for the rest of the work week. 

The employee experience platform connects all team members virtually, no matter where they happen to be located. All team members can log into the platform and access their work documents and messages. They can collaborate with team members and others within the organization easily. 

Drive Employee Engagement - LumApps Play Desktop and Mobile


19. Human Resources

New hires access Human Resources (HR) documents as part of the Onboarding Process. Once they have settled in with the company, employees will need to communicate with the HR team to ask questions about their benefits, schedule annual leave, and more. 

The HR pages on the platform may be able to answer many employees’ questions and eliminate multiple e-mails and messages dealing with the same types of issues. Then the HR staff will have more time to deal something other than administrative matters

20. Communities of Practice

Does your company have certain groups that focus on a specific area? Your sales team, customer service group, and warehouse workers can all be considered specific communities within the company. Administrative and accounting staff could make up another community of practice. 

These peer to peer groups of employees may have similar job functions, which could mean they have similar professional interests and concerns. Make a community for each group of workers in the company and invite them to talk about their professional lives in the group. Everyone will have something worth sharing with their fellow team members, given enough encouragement. 

21. Employee Directory

During a regular workday, there is little time for employees to get to know each other. An employee directory helps to solve that problem by sharing some personal and professional information about workers. 

The directory would include an image of the employee, their name, work contact information, and their position within the company. Then the employee can share something about their education, professional background, hobbies, and personal interests. The overall effect is to humanize team members and show that employees may have more in common that it may seem at first glance.  




22. Location and Facilities Directory

A large company with multiple locations may wish to post a location and facilities directory as part of the employee experience platform. Not everyone associated with the corporation may be aware that certain offices or facilities focus on specific products or services. 

A Location and Facilities Directory explains each location, whether it is strictly a manufacturing and warehouse facility or if it also contains administrative and sales offices. The Directory can also include a staff list and contact information.

23. Department Hubs

Department Hubs give each department in the company a chance to share what they are working on with their coworkers. Managers can post when their teams start a new project, hit major milestones, or achieve a goal.

Company departments can also share their non-professional activities. If a department has volunteered for a local cause, employees can post photos of their efforts on the Department Hub to share the news and encourage other departments to give back to the community in a similar manner. 


Consider the LumApps Employee Experience Platform for your Business

LumApps understands that each company is different. Your employee experience tools need to fit your company’s needs today and grow as your company grows. We listen to you to find out exactly what your business needs to provide the exact digital employee tools you need — and anything you don’t. 

Contact us today to request your personalized demo. 

Attract, Engage and Retain: The Employee Experience Advantage

In addition to ROI, employee experience measures help companies succeed at retention and recruiting.

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22+ Best Digital Employee Experience Tools for Companies in 2023