Legal information

This site is published by the company LumApps, an editor publisher

Head office is at 75 Rue François Mermet 69160 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune
Registered at the LYON Trade and Companies Register under the number 788 743 474
intra-community VAT number : FR18 788 743 474

APE Code : 6202A

Director of the publication : Sebastien Ricard

Information about the hosting provider

Hosting managed by Webflow, Inc.
398 11th Street, Floor 2, San Francisco, CA 94103

The site is the exclusive property of the company LumApps

Photo credit

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Intellectual Property

The Site constitutes an original work of the company LumApps which is the owner of the copyright on it, with regard to articles L111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

It is recalled that all images, texts or graphic elements contained on this site may constitute intellectual works, thus benefiting from copyright protection, in accordance with the provisions of the same Code.

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LumApps Legal pages