April 24, 2023

Knowledge sharing in the workplace: A surprising method to improve employee efficiency

Mary Davis Kaplan
4 minute read

Sharing is a concept that is often taught to children at an early age, with the phrase “sharing is caring” commonly used to emphasize the importance of generosity and compassion.

While this idea is applicable in many aspects of life, it is particularly relevant in the workplace, where knowledge sharing can lead to better engagement, persistent knowledge, and increased productivity. However, determining how much sharing is too much, and how much is not enough, can be a challenge for both employees and managers.

One of the challenges that employees face when it comes to sharing knowledge is knowing where to share that knowledge. With the proliferation of digital tools and platforms, it can be difficult to determine which ones are appropriate for sharing specific types of information. 

Another challenge that employees face when it comes to sharing knowledge is finding a way to share that is both easy and effective. Some tools may be too complicated or cumbersome to use, which can discourage employees from sharing their ideas and insights. That’s why teams are starting to set up virtual knowledge sharing spaces to help facilitate the exchange of information. 

How virtual knowledge sharing supports distributed teams

Virtual knowledge sharing can be particularly helpful for distributed teams that are located in different regions or countries and struggle to collaborate and share knowledge effectively. By setting up a virtual sharing space, team members can easily share competitive intelligence from the field, new sales wins, and exciting ways to pitch the product. This can help all team members stay up-to-date on the latest developments and make more informed decisions.

LumApps Spaces is a tool that can help address these challenges and facilitate more effective knowledge sharing in the workplace. As part of the LumApps platform, this new tool encourages employees to share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences with their colleagues through the creation of posts, articles, and videos. By making it easy to share information in a variety of formats, LumApps Spaces promotes a culture of learning and collaboration at every enterprise.

Knowledge Sharing 

Get this white paper if you're looking to facilitate a culture of knowledge sharing within your organization.

One of the key benefits of LumApps Spaces is that it enables democratized knowledge management. Instead of relying on a few select individuals to manage knowledge and information, every employee can contribute their insights and ideas. This not only helps to ensure that all important information is captured, but it also helps to foster a sense of ownership and engagement among employees.

In addition to promoting knowledge sharing, LumApps Spaces can also help to increase employee engagement. By creating a sense of community and encouraging employees to connect and collaborate with one another, LumApps Spaces can help to break down silos and promote a more open and inclusive workplace culture. This can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction, greater employee retention, and increased productivity.

Finally, LumApps Spaces can help to improve collaboration within teams and across departments. By providing a central location for knowledge and information sharing, employees can more easily find the resources they need and collaborate with colleagues in different departments. This can help to break down barriers and facilitate more effective cross-functional teamwork.

In conclusion, sharing knowledge – like one of the first “sharing is caring” lessons – is the first step to showing employees that you care. LumApps can help you improve collaboration and promote more effective knowledge sharing, increased employee engagement, and improved collaboration. 

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Knowledge sharing in the workplace: A surprising method to improve employee efficiency