March 12, 2025

The 12 Most Important Internal Communication Methods for Companies

Milton Herman
9 minute read

What is Internal Communications?

There are many ways to define the term, “Internal communications”. One of the best definitions states that the role of company internal communication methods is to bring employees on board with the company’s policies. This is accomplished by informing, engaging, motivating, and influencing people working at all levels in the company, from the most junior positions to executives, using digital and physical methods.


Types of Internal Communications:

How do you manage effective communication in a company? The following are ways of managing internal communications effectively:

Also read: How to improve Digital Communication in the Workplace


Benefits of Internal Communications:

Some of the benefits of introducing internal communication methods into the workplace are as follows:

Learn more: Why is Internal Communications Important for Your Business?

Internal Communications – Measurement to Mastery

Enhance your internal communication strategy and learn the impact of communication done right.

Important Company Internal Communication Methods:

Are you wondering about internal communications best practices? Examples of ways to improve internal business communication methods are listed below.


1. Face-to-Face Communication

Sometimes, it’s best to go old school when communicating with employees. By communicating directly, it is easy to convey a message and discern whether it is being clearly understood. This is a good strategy to use when introducing a new program or policy to employees. Be sure that the message is being presented clearly and positively.

Another way that face-to-face communication can be used effectively is by having a manager meet with employees regularly for coaching and informal performance evaluation. Rather than wait for the employee’s annual review, the employee gets regular feedback about areas where he is doing well and places where he can improve. That way, any potential problems can be corrected early and the employee knows the areas where his strengths lie.


2. Corporate Intranet Platform

Nowadays, the company intranet is one of the most used communication channels for people in the workplace. To make the best use of this medium, you may want to set some ground rules before allowing employees to use it.

Decide in advance its main functions, in order to fully benefit from its use as a real internal communication tool. Depending on the type of business you are running, you may also want to use this platform for company news, reference documents, forms, etc.

There may be a section set aside for socializing. A space to share funny stories to lighten up the mood in your organization. If you think about the kinds of content that would appear in a printed company newsletter, these are the types of items that you could expect to find posted on the company intranet.


3. E-mail Correspondence

E-mail is another popular communication method among workers. It has been a godsend between people who work in the same office, as well as for those doing remote work. During a busy workday, it can be difficult for employees to pick out which e-mails contain critical information and which ones can wait to be opened when the recipient has more time to absorb the information.

Some e-mail users attempt to circumvent this issue by marking most (or all) of their correspondence as being “Urgent!” to get the recipient’s attention and to encourage them to open it immediately. This strategy may be successful for the first few times it is attempted. However, if it is overused colleagues will recognize this strategy very quickly and disregard e-mails marked urgent from this sender which defeats the purpose of marking communications in that way.


“When pictures and words are shown at the same time, a person will recall the images more easily than the words.”


4. Videos

Lengthy text e-mails aren’t the only way to share information with your employees. Some people simply learn better when shown information rather than reading about it. Scientific research into the Picture-Superiority Effect has shown that when pictures and words are shown at the same time, a person will recall the images more easily than the words.

What does this mean when you are trying to reach your goal of keeping team members engaged? Adding video is a highly effective way to get your message across. If you want to give employees a refresher about workplace safety, sales tips, customer service advice, or anything else that can be conveyed quickly, consider developing a video to help get the message across in a way that workers retain long after the presentation is finished.


5. Company Notice Board

This type of internal communication is still very popular, especially among companies that don’t rely on electronic means to get messages to their employees. Team members know to look on the company notice board for announcements that pertain to them. These may include information about:

  • changes in hours of work;
  • updates in company vacation policies;
  • job postings the company is trying to fill;
  • and more.

The company notice board can also be used to announce personal news like employee birthdays and when an employee has welcomed a new baby into their family. It is also an appropriate space for announcing social events employees within the company may wish to participate in, such as picnics, outings to see professional sports teams play, and visits to local attractions.


6. Business Memos

Memos are meant to be short documents used to relay information to a distinct audience. They are usually less formal than letters but are still written in a professional style. This form of communication in the workplace is generally used to identify a problem and to propose a solution for it. At other times, it is used to request information or provide it to one or more recipients.

The main point of the memo should be set out at the beginning so that the reader can find the answer they are looking for quickly. The rest of the contents of the memo is then made up of supporting points. It’s important to use subheadings to divide up the memo so that a reader who wants to skim though it can find the information they are looking for quickly.


7. Business Report

A business report is another type of internal communication that is related to the business memo. Often, a report is delivered to an executive with a memo attached.

Business reports are used to examine a specific problem or an issue and propose potential solutions to deal with it. The report’s author outlines the problem in some detail and evaluates each solution before making recommendations for some type of action. There may not be one solution to the problem, but several that may have merit, and the report can reflect this using figures, charts, graphs, etc. The report’s author wants to present a fair, objective view of the issue they have been asked to write about so that the company’s executives can make informed decisions.


8. Texting

Texting is more immediate than sending an e-mail, especially when some members of your team are working out of the office, such as sales or technical representatives.

They still want to feel part of the day to day happenings in the office, but may be spending much of their time traveling to customers’ offices or job sites. When you want to convey information, questions, or concerns quickly, sending a text is a way to get through to someone without delay.

Modern intranet software technology makes it easy to attach documents and forward them along with a text to someone who is out of the office as well. There are times when a recipient’s e-mail account through their cellphone provider is just too slow when they need access to a document right away. In this instance, forwarding it by text is a viable alternative.


9. Brainstorming Sessions

The idea behind a brainstorming session is to come up with new ideas. This is an exercise where a group meets (either in person or virtually) and each person is asked to come up with one idea to deal with a particular problem or challenge that the company is facing. The only rule is that there are no “bad” or “wrong” ideas. Nothing is off the table during a brainstorming session. Anything and everything can be put forward for consideration.

There will be time later on to reign in, fine-tune, or edit the ideas that are presented. The goal of this exercise is to get as many raw ideas as possible on the table. From there, they can be examined more closely to come up with concrete solutions that the company may decide to act on in the future.


10. Staff Meetings

This is a relatively simple way for team members to communicate, and it has the potential to have a big impact on a company. It can be used in-house, for teams working remotely, or set up to include in-house and remote workers using modern technology.

During a regular staff meeting, workers would share with their colleagues the types of projects they are working on. Each person takes a turn explaining what is going well in their work and the types of challenges they are facing. Other team members listen carefully and can share ideas and suggestions they feel will help. This type of collaboration makes employees feel as though they are part of a team and that their fellow workers are available to help them with feedback and support.


11. Posters

You may not necessarily think of posters as an example of effective internal communication methods, however, they are a good way to get information across to workers. They can be hung up on the employee bulletin board, in break rooms, in the Human Resources (HR) office, and in other locations where employees are likely to gather.

Depending on the jurisdiction where your company is located, you may be required by law to display certain posters at your place of business. The government may have passed legislation directing employers to post signage relating to workers’ health and safety rights, employee rights to a minimum wage and overtime pay, and equal employment opportunities. Employees can read the posters and access information they need to know about work in general and the information they contain may help answer questions they may have without having to go to a manager or the HR department.


12. Telephone Call

If you have not thought of using the phone as an internal communication strategy, then you should. In this modern day and age when many of us are communicating through e-mail and handheld devices, the directness of picking up the phone and contacting someone directly is often overlooked.

Often, this method of communication in the workplace can be very effective for obtaining information or resolving an issue. The people involved can talk about it directly, which is often much more efficient than trying to use e-mail or schedule a meeting. Within a relatively short time, the information can be conveyed or a situation can be clarified or dealt with to both parties’ satisfaction.


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The 12 Most Important Internal Communication Methods for Companies