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IntraNET Reloaded Berlin 2020: LumApps Customer Imerys Wins Award

Maya Riebel
Maya Riebel
4 minute read
IntraNET Reloaded Berlin 2020: LumApps Customer Imerys Wins Award

LumApps is proud to announce that one of its customers has been recognised at the IntraNET Reloaded Berlin Awards 2020 in the category for “Best Customer Success Story,” for their digital transformation in internal communication and employee experience, achieved by leveraging their LumApps-powered intranet platform.

Imerys is the world’s leading supplier of mineral-based specialty solutions for industry 16,300 employees and 250 locations. Imerys has been working with LumApps since 2018. Together, they set up a solid methodology to ensure long-term viability and success of their new digital workplace. In 5 months, Imerys and LumApps launched a new intranet, called OneImerys, to reflect and support their global digital transformation.

Imerys was declared a winner after submitting their story: “Leading a Digital Transformation with OneImerys.”

As a tool, LumApps can be easily configured and customized to fit brand identity, to engage employees with a modern and beautiful interface. With this functionality, Imerys and LumApps built one single portal to unify the group.

If OneImerys is a unique portal for all employees, it also enables Imerys to personalize its communication to each employee. With targeted functionality, employees have access to relevant, personalized and multilingual content according to their profile and location.

Providing a dedicated space for everyone

With a flexible tool, Imerys was easily and quickly able to adapt the functions and businesses sections to mirror its new organizational set-up and create a dedicated section for all transformation news. OneImerys enables both vertical- top-down communication and bottom-up feedback – as well as horizontal exchanges.

In three years, Imerys CEO changed 3 times and underwent a global transformation totally restructuring its organization. OneImerys was a key element in supporting these many changes. It was the go-to place for the CEO to express himself.

Imerys Leaders community provides a space for all newly appointed leaders to communicate and connect.

Preparing for high user adoption

Following the launch of the platform, Imerys Communications team received a lot of positive feedback and was able to measure strong adoption and engagement through analytics provided by LumApps.

Since the launch of the platform, Imerys has approximately 10,000 connected employees who have access to Lumapps, and 95% of them are active users. There’s been an organic increase of communities and average connection time is more than 7 minutes.

A huge thank you to Imerys for trusting LumApps to drive their digital transformation!

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IntraNET Reloaded Berlin 2020: LumApps Customer Imerys Wins Award