Knowledge sharing increases productivity for all

As the amount of information in the workplace continues to increase, managing your knowledge is critical. LumApps helps to promote knowledge sharing, and reduces unpersonalized and subcritical information, ensuring the right information reaches the right people at the right time.


Targeted and profiled resources

By integrating seamlessly with your company’s data and information sources, LumApps provides a complete solution for knowledge management.

Business challenges

Address the hybrid future of work

  • Connect all employees to the company, including those on the front line through mobile applications
  • Engage all employees, regardless of their role or location
  • Empower employees to share knowledge across the enterprise
  • Fuel a positive, inclusive, and cohesive culture
  • Foster team collaboration and individual initiatives
Solution and Benefits

Provide Comms and HR professionals with the tools to enhance knowledge sharing at your company

When employees have easy access to relevant and correct information, and can easily share what they’ve learned, they can get their job done faster and better, leading to improved productivity

Increase team cohesion through sharing videos, ensuring that knowledge is captured and shared instantaneously so all team members are on the same page, keeping them aligned and moving in the right direction

Grow your culture, and create a culture built around open sharing so teams can grow together and align with company values

AI-based recommendations to maximize content reach and employee alignment

Multilingual communications with 30+ languages available include all employees across the organization

Relevant and recommended search results, across news, documents, videos, and communities, fosters knowledge discovery, and key information retrieval in a click

Detailed analytics on content supports informed decisions when adjusting content and collaboration strategy over time

Branded mobile applications connect all employees across your distributed workforce


Increase knowledge sharing with compelling use cases activated in a few clicks

Cross-team collaboration and resources

  • Communities of Practice
  • Communities of Interest
  • Location and Facilities Directory
  • Employee Directory

Corporate and culture-building information

  • News and Video Centers
  • Leadership Corner
  • Newsletter and Campaigns
  • Department Hubs
Reconocimiento de analistas

LumApps nombrada líder en intranets

¡Has encontrado tu nuevo hogar intranet! LumApps es nombrada líder en soluciones de intranet tanto por Forrester como por Gartner Magic Quadrant. Nos integramos con Google Workspace y Microsoft Teams para que tus empleados tengan una experiencia de intranet perfecta que se sienta como en casa.

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LumApps has, of course, enabled us to manage our corporate communications, but overall we have provided a personalized space for each collaborator. Every co-worker has his own page where he can subscribe to activity reporting, find his favorite business a"

Laurence Rouault
Project Manager
Empieza a usar LumApps
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Knowledge sharing increases productivity for all