Top 30 Questions To Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey

What is Employee Engagement?
Employee engagement refers to an employee’s commitment and connection to their employer. Willis Towers Watson defines it as an “employee’s willingness and ability to contribute to company success.” Gallup places employees in three categories:
The workers’ level of engagement drives a company’s success. High levels of engagement improve performance at all levels of the organization. They encourage long-term employee relationships as well as customer loyalty.
Disengaged employees are not connected to their jobs. They generally just do the minimum required when at work. This attitude manifests in several ways, such as:
Managers are Key Drivers of Employee Engagement
Managers are important players in driving employee engagement. They are the people who set the tone for their workgroups or department. If a manager can create a respectful, trusting environment where employees feel comfortable, their efforts go a long way toward encouraging employee engagement.
Best Practices for Employee Engagement Surveys
When compiling employee engagement survey questions, consider the following suggestions:
Employee Engagement
Time to start or overhaul an engagement strategy? Capitalize on Employee Engagement Opportunities.
Why Are Employee Engagement Surveys Important?
Nationally, 51% of employees are disengaged at work according to a Gallup study. A further 17% are actively disengaged and a minority of employees (32%) are engaged at work.
How are your employees faring? Employee satisfaction survey questions are used to find out, measuring employee engagement levels in a company.
Why take the time to administer employee surveys?
Here are some good reasons to use this strategy:
How To Distribute Employee Surveys
To administer a survey to team members, there are multiple options for distribution. Consider including an employee engagement survey in a newsletter or sending them out by email.
Another convenient option for employees is to post surveys on the company intranet. Team members can fill out the survey from anywhere they can access the intranet, which makes it convenient for head office and remote workers. Team members can complete the survey using a desktop computer, a tablet, or a cellphone.
Employee Engagement Survey Question Examples
The following open-ended employee engagement survey questions can serve as an employee engagement survey template for your company.
Employee Satisfaction Questions
1. How do you feel about your job today?
This simple question inquires about each employee’s attitude towards their work, keeping it focused on how they feel right now. If employees express a general dissatisfaction with their jobs, answers to other questions may help to pin down the source. The employer and employee may be able to work together to improve satisfaction rates.
2. Would you recommend [our company] to your friends as a good place to work?
This is also known as a “net promoter score”. Employees who are happy with their work are much more likely to recommend their employer to their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. An unhappy employee might tell the people in their immediate circle to avoid applying to a place where they do not feel valued or treated fairly.
From an employer’s point of view, receiving an application from a qualified candidate recommended by a current employee means less time (and money) spent on recruiting.
3. Do you feel enthusiastic about coming to work?
This question asks employees directly how they feel about coming to work. If they feel enthusiastic about the prospect of doing their jobs, then that tells the company that the employee is fully engaged in their work. If the response is neutral or negative, then the company needs to find out what needs to happen to light a spark to improve the employee experience.
4. Do you like working with your team?
Employees who are working with others who are engaged in their work will likely feel more engaged in their own job duties. The positive attitude is often contagious in the office, building, plant, or warehouse.
Sometimes, including a text field where employees can provide further information if they wish can be instructive on this question. An employee may want to share information about a coworker or a manager they are having a problem with. This opens up an opportunity to direct the employee to Human Resources or other channels to get help.
5. Are you satisfied with your compensation (wages, bonuses (if applicable), and benefits)?
An employee’s compensation package is only one way to measure whether they are satisfied in their work. Employees who believe they are being compensated fairly for their work are more likely to say they are satisfied.
When an employer asks about benefits, they can find out important information about which benefits are most important to employees. There may be something that employees value that is not currently being offered in the benefits plan.
6. Do you think about looking for a job at another company often?
Please note that there is a difference between an employee staying up-to-date on the current salary range for their position and seriously thinking of switching employers. People who are engaged in their work would usually say that looking elsewhere has not crossed their minds.
Checking this answer in employee engagement survey results can yield more information about what employees are really thinking about their work. Other feedback from employees can shed light on action items to increase employee satisfaction (and retention rates).
7. Do you see yourself working for [our company] in two years?
Employees who are not currently looking for another job still may not see themselves working for the company two years in the future. The answer to this and the previous question can offer a good idea of how committed workers are to the company. On average, about 60-65% of employees can see themselves staying with the employer for two years or more. If employees score this level or higher, retention rates are less of a concern.
Psychological Safety Questions
8. Do you feel confident that your manager will listen when you approach them with a problem?
Employees should have a certain level of trust in their manager. The manager should be someone who can be counted on to listen when the employee has a problem, either personal or work-related.
9. Do you feel that you can trust your manager to respect any information you tell them in confidence?
If an employee feels they can’t trust their manager to respect their right to privacy when sharing personal or sensitive information, they won’t open up about problems or concerns on the job. The employee’s work performance may suffer as a result.
The manager has a duty to protect the company but also to support the employees and help them to do their work well. An employee may need some guidance to handle a situation with a colleague or they may be looking at approaching Human Resources with a request for time off to go to rehab to deal with a substance abuse problem.
10. Do you know who to approach with a problem that is not in your manager’s domain?
If employees don’t know the right person to talk to when they have a problem, they may end up sitting on the issue without resolution, dragging broader satisfaction metrics. Employees should know where they can go with their concerns outside of their immediate circle of coworkers. If they don’t have this information, it is likely a sign that communication is broken.
11. Do you feel there is someone at [our company] who supports and encourages your professional development?
Employees need to feel there is someone at work who supports them in their professional growth and cares about them personally.
It makes sense to invest in employees and provide them with the tools they need to do their work well. The employee will likely be more satisfied with his or her job. The employer will also be happier with the results.
12. Are your fellow team members able to bring up problems and tough issues for discussion?
This question goes to show how well a team communicates. Tough issues will arise occasionally, and it’s important that employees feel empowered to speak up to address them.
Even if employees don’t feel they can address problems openly, these issues need to be addressed. Why can’t they speak their minds to their fellow team members and their manager?
13. Do you feel comfortable sharing your opinion at team meetings?
The answer to this question reveals how confident an employee feels about opening up to the company about their ideas. If someone says they are not comfortable at all with sharing their ideas, the company should follow up to find out why.

Management Questions
14. Does your manager show an interest in your well-being?
This is a question that should be taken on a case-by-case basis. If the majority of members of a workgroup reports that their manager shows an interest in their wellbeing, then that manager likely has a good relationship with his or her team. However, if most of the group reports feeling cut off from their manager, it could be a sign of a lack of support from the top down.
15. Does your manager give you clear expectations for your job performance?
If an employee is not clear about what their job description is and what the expectations are for the position, how can they be expected to meet them? This question is about evaluating a manager’s communication and goal-setting skills.
If there is a disconnect between the employee’s understanding of his or her job requirements and the manager’s expectations, it should be clarified.
16. Does your manager have the right technical qualifications to lead your team?
It’s possible for a manager to have the best intentions but lack the tools to lead their team properly. Select senior team members may be in the best position to notice this since they work closely with the manager.
If possible, offer the manager support to acquire the technical skills required to support their team. This is only one facet of management; effective people skills also count.
17. Do you feel comfortable asking your manager for help?
Ideally, an employee should be able to ask their manager for help if they don’t feel they have the skills necessary to complete a task. Include a comment box so that employees can share any instances where they have felt uncomfortable approaching their manager for help.
If the company is unaware of these circumstances, it can’t take steps to correct the situation by helping the manager to become more receptive to the employees’ requests for assistance.
18. Do you feel comfortable giving your manager feedback?
Many employees would still feel hesitant about giving a manager feedback. If an employee can give fair and honest feedback about how their manager is performing, it can indicate a good working relationship.
Employee Engagement
Time to start or overhaul an engagement strategy? Capitalize on Employee Engagement Opportunities.
Alignment Questions
19. Does your manager provide you with recognition for your work accomplishments?
Most people like being recognized for doing their work well. When a manager takes the time to give positive feedback, it gives self-esteem a boost. The positive attention also encourages the employee to keep on performing his or her duties well.
Employees who don’t feel that their efforts are being appreciated may eventually stop giving their best effort on the job.
20. What kind of feedback do you receive from your manager?
The employee could answer this question generally or describe a time where a manager was giving them feedback about a specific issue. Either way, the response can be an interesting one since it provides a snapshot of how managers communicate with their team members.
If a manager is not providing clear feedback to employees, they can learn how to improve their skills in this area.
21. How would you describe your manager’s communication style?
Many of us have had the experience of a teacher who is very familiar with their topic but has trouble inspiring students to share their interest in it. The teacher is unable to convey their ideas to the class effectively.
A manager who is highly educated and skilled in their knowledge area but who can’t communicate effectively with team members is at a similar disadvantage. The manager won’t be able to build enthusiasm for new projects or make team members feel they are being supported in their career goals.
22. Would you say that your manager is supportive of your career success?
A manager really sets the tone for a workgroup. If the manager does not demonstrate to the team that they are interested in each person’s work and overall career goals, employees are much less likely to be engaged in their jobs.
23. Do you feel that our company culture promotes a supportive work environment?
The answer to this question will help your executives and managers gauge whether your workplace is one where employees feel comfortable and included, particularly among underrepresented demographics. If the answer is “No,” it may be difficult to hear.
However, finding out there is an issue is the first step toward making changes that will result in a culture where everyone feels valued.
→ Read more: What is Company Culture? Importance and Best Practices
Future Orientation Questions
24. Do you see a path for career advancement at [our company]?
An employee who doesn’t see any chance for advancement is likely to move on to another employer. The answer to this question often reveals whether employees see the company as one that rewards hard-working, skilled employees with promotions and more interesting work.
25. Describe the process toward promotion at [our company].
Employees should have a clear understanding of how to qualify for a higher-level position with the company. If they don’t, they will fail to see this process as either fair or transparent.
Instead, the procedures for advertising available positions should be available to everyone. Interested employees should know exactly how to apply, what qualifications are required for the position, and when the competition closes.
26. Do you feel that you have the tools required to make the most of your potential with [our company]?
To answer this question honestly, an employee must evaluate themselves carefully. They need to consider what their true potential is and if there is anything the employer can offer (additional training, software, ongoing coaching, etc.) to help them reach it.
You may want to consider asking employees what types of resources they feel they need to do their work more effectively, leaving a text box for workers to fill in their own comments.
27. Has anyone at [our company] asked about your career goals?
Employees want to feel that they are not just being paid to do a job. Instead, they want to work for an organization that is supportive of their career development.
This question can include a suggestion that employees make an appointment with Human Resources or their manager to discuss their career goals. At that time, any resources available from the company (tuition reimbursement, on-the-job training, professional development opportunities) can be discussed.

Open Ended Questions
Often, including a few questions where employees can share thoughts directly can be instructive.
28. What does [our company] value?
The “official” company values should be included in the mission statement. If employees respond with an answer that varies greatly from the one in the mission statement, there is a disconnect between the values the company says are important and the ones it or the employee really value.
If employees notice the disconnect, customers and suppliers will pick up on it too. During a time when being transparent is an important trait in business, a disconnect of this type needs to be dealt with quickly to get the company back on track.
29. What department in the company would you like to interact with more often?
This question gives employees a chance to tell executives and managers what they want or need at work. If certain departments could be cooperating more often (and increasing overall efficiency or saving money as a result), then this is a possibility that should be considered.
Often, employees see possibilities for cooperating with other workers or departments clearly because they are practitioners. They get to know what their coworkers are capable of and can find ways to streamline operations.
30. Do we have any problems with our company culture?
This is an interesting question to include in an employee engagement survey template. Employees who are looking at the organization from the bottom-up have a much different perspective than the executive or manager who is seeing it from the top-down.
Even if the feedback stings a little, listening with an open mind helps.
31. Do you think we need to change any of our practices?
People often love to be asked for their opinion, especially when it relates to something that affects them. When employees feel as though they are part of the solution along with their employer, engagement often increases.
→ Read More: 22 Employee Engagement Ideas and Strategies for Companies
32. What else would you like to share that is important to your employee experience at {our company]?
If an employee is experiencing anything that is impacting their job performance, you want to know. This question is written neutrally. It’s possible the results are something positive. As likely, answers could come from employees who have had negative experiences.
Employee Engagement
Time to start or overhaul an engagement strategy? Capitalize on Employee Engagement Opportunities.
How to Build and Measure the Survey
Before administering an employee engagement survey, consider the starting point. The senior management team needs to be committed to accepting the survey results and using them to make positive changes to the company culture.
Communicate with Employees Early In the Process
It’s frequently a good idea to start talking to employees about the survey early on, letting them know what senior management hopes to gain. Reassuring employees that their answers will not be used against them personally in any way can yield more honest answers. Management wants to collect this information to make the workplace better, not punish anyone for speaking their minds.
Choose a Survey Design
The best surveys are short and to the point. Rather than overwhelm the survey-taker, surveys that take under 15 minutes to complete often yield more actionable answers. Choosing questions that are focused on one area and including a mix of closed and open-ended questions can help cut length.
Crunch the Numbers
Once the survey has been administered through a company intranet, by e-mail, or by another method, it’s time to analyze the results. This is not the time for managers to start trying to see which employee responded in what manner to specific questions. Instead, an overall picture of trends in your company can be more helpful.
Meet with Managers to Discuss Change
There is no point in having employees fill out surveys if they don’t yield real change that is communicated to employees. Making changes is the difficult part, and the survey results can be a barometer and compass. Repeating the survey quarterly helps to benchmark progress on where HR or internal communications teams are succeeding and if other areas need to be addressed.
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